

A-Z names of God

As I was writing my last story I was thinking to my self, "Self, How can I make an impact on other people's lives?" As I was thinking about that question, these words were going through my head, "Leader, Guide, Protector...." Words that I thought God was to ME as a person. So I thought, "Hmmm. What can I do to impact other girls to realize what God can be and is?" As I continued to think on this this is what came to my mind. " A- Able, You are able to do anything you wish to do. B- Bread, You are everything we need to nourish our mind and soul. C- Cradle, You cradle/comfort us when we feel sad. D- Dependable, we are able to lean on You when we feel weak, and You will not let us fall. E- Enlighten, You guide us spiritually and physically. F- Father, You are father over our fathers. G- God, his most known name. H- High, no matter what it is You are taller than it. I- I am, You called yourself, the Great I am. J- Just, There is no sin on Your shoulders except for MINE. K- King, You are King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. L- Loving, You love us no matter how sad we make You. M- Master Creator, You created everything about us. N- Noble, You know everything about us from our rising ups to our lying downs. O- Omnipresent,You are always there for us no matter what. P- Powerful, You have Power over everything. Q- Quiet, You are a Quiet and Meek Jesus. R- Resurrected, you were resurrected on the third day. S- Savior, You have and will save everyone in the world from their sins. T- Tower, You tower over every thing, U- Underestimated, lost and crazy people underestimate Your miraculous power. V- Victorious, You have victory against Satan. W- Worker, You work very hard for us. X- eXample, You set a very spiritual eXample for us. Y- Yawyeh, You are Lord over all. Z- Zealous, King Zealous." This is what I see God as in my life. You can make a list too! It is very simple just go A-Z and type on the lines below what you feel God is, go ahead!

Now keep this piece of paper in your bible and write a new name each time you find one:)

Real beauty is not about Make-up

Hey! I'm Ashley! I'm 13, and when I was younger I always felt like I needed to wear make-up to be like, "The other girls".
But once I grew a little older, I realized... It's not about the make-up that makes you look pretty, but about wether you have your "God make-up" on. Sure that sounds funny but once you understand what it means you will understand that it is not some "Made-up thing" but a very serious something. "God's love is not a contract, but a very serious relationship." That something, our "God make-up", is the Bible. Sure some might think that the Bible is some sort of strict rule book. But really, it's not. It just explains to us how we should live our lives, and that we need to be like Daniel. You see, Daniel was set apart from his "other" friends. Sometimes I feel like "Mom, why am I not like the other girls?" I recently learned that the reason you are the way you are, is because God made you the way He wants you to be! Believe it or not, God has a special place just for you in His heart. In fact He wants you to answer the door when He knocks! YES! He knocks on your heart everyday until you answer it! I answered it when I was five. Then when I was 7 I got baptized! I felt truly changed after that happened, and even though you my think you look prettier if you have on the make-up and the new fancy shoes that everyone is wearing....That doesn't make you more beautiful, it makes you blend in with the crowd. God doesn't want that, He wants us to be his chosen one. The one He calls on to help that new girl in Sunday School that has no idea who anyone is. He wants us to be a "Daniel" when we are around a lot of "Egyptians". So make the decision to be a "Daniel" and not "Egyptian"!

Written by: Ashley Mayor:)